

So, how the hell did  you end up here?

I bet I told you about it and said “Hey! Go check out my blog!” at which point you sighed and said, “If I must.”

In case you stumbled upon this via the ubiquitous google or some such, then I should introduce myself.

I’m a thirty-something bloke living the humble family life in sunny Brisbane who smokes too many cigarettes (any is too many!), loves technology, science, writing and the outdoors.  My wife and son are central to my daily life but unfortunately my work in the medical field sometimes takes me away from home (let’s just say that I work for “The Government”).

My chosen career path is one that I am keenly interested in, primarily as a clinician in emergency medicine in the pre-hospital environment but also in the primary health care field; in that order!

I sometimes find my legs love getting stretched over open terrain with lovely scenery wizzing past but I have previously suffered a stress fracture from enjoying jogging a ‘little too much’, so now I focus my physical activity on areas that encompass both strength and endurance.

I am an advocate for healthy living (despite the paradoxical nicotine and caffeine addiction) and am constantly exploring new ways of improving my lifestyle, diet and exercise regime in a balanced, environmentally harmonious fashion.  As mentioned, I work in the medical field so I have a little knowledge under the hood which I enjoy working with!

If I haven’t bored you so far, then perhaps you were bored to begin with.  If not then feel free to stick around and join in on my mental meanderings as I explore “life, the universe and everything.”




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