
Archives for : September2013

What a Novel concept, part 1


This rendering in 3D Studio is at least 10 years old!

“Each person has at least one book in them,”
..but in my case it may be two or three.

I started my literary journey some time into the middle of the last decade and writing it has been like carving the Basilica from a solid block of stone with nothing but a hammer and chisel.  It is slow, labour intensive and sometimes all-consuming.

I seem to take regular months-long breaks as the activities of daily living take front seat or I find my spare time being taken up by various readings on the Internet, gaming, watching movies and TV series or spending time with friends and family.  Still, over the last 8 or so years I have managed to compile over 88,000 words and almost 200 pages spread over 9 chapters.  And I’ve barely scratched the surface!

Proofing copies of my work so far have been given to a couple of people nearest and dearest and I’m encouraged by their brutal and honest feedback.  I don’t expect after all that this will be well loved or well read once it’s finished; it’s more something I just feel I have to do – to get out of my system.  If it makes me a humble income one day, well then that would be alright too 🙂

We can always dream.  Indeed, this is where it all comes from; the darker (and lighter) recesses of my imagination resolved into the black and white.  In so many words I have managed to spill out what I think of as less than a tenth of the entire first novel.. let alone the rest of the series and potential other spin-offs.  Who knows if I’ll ever really finish it but it’s these sorts of blogging exercises that get me back into a writing head and for that reason alone I will share some snippets of my current work along the way.

Comments are of course welcome and be honest.  Don’t be afraid of hurting my feelings.  This is after all a work in progress in both content and ability!

So dive now into the deep end of the darker recesses of my imagination….


On a flattened mound next to the bed was a small clay drinking bowl and a large jar made from the egg of some large reptile.  Assuming it to be water, he sat up and first downed the entire cup and upon refilling it, downed a second helping into his parched neck.  He gulped hard and painfully, as though he hadn’t been sated for a week; wiping away the excess from his mouth and neck as he panted hard.

His body quickly absorbed the first two cups so he poured himself a third, which he sat sipping; thinking.

He searched his memory.  Flickers, flashes.  He felt detached from them, like they were not his own.  He remembers the mushrooms on the bench.  Berkit.  The pool and the blood.  A knuckle in a boys throat.  Sitting and closing his eyes.  Silence.

Then.. emptiness.  Struggle.  Oblivion.  He clutched at his stomach.  Was it all the water he just drank?  His bowels surged and he leapt from the bed, spied a bucket with a lip in the corner of the room and he pulled aside his robe just in time to meet the lip before squeezing out warm liquid.  Hot flushes racked his sweaty body as his whole body contracted, as if pumping out a sickness.  His head span and swelled before he spun around to meet his face to the bucket; retching and heaving into the filthy container.  The smell hit his face like a smack and he heaved more and more until he was empty and spent; groaning long and hard.

He sank to the floor and shuddered, gripping his sides.  The silent candles flickered in witness to his noisy proclamations of illness and he pulled himself onto his haunches, making his way across the tiled floor.  He lifted a shaking arm and managed to spill some water into his mouth before finally passing out on top of the bed; prone and sprawled.

Some time later he awoke, tucked in under the sheets.  Fresh bed clothes and a change in the smell of incense.  His bowl had been refilled and he quickly took a sip.  This time a pleasant taste met his tongue and it tingled in his mouth, taking away the foul dry taste of stale vomit.  For some time he sat there, slowly sipping half-awake; not wanting a repeat of his last waking state.

Though still weak, his limbs ached for movement and he stretched; limbering towards his next move.  His mind swam with delusional fears and recollections of Villimus’ words; his uncertain tone and unusual demeanour.  He dwelt on his masters hesitation and a seed of doubt took root in an unstable mind, spreading roots of fear and distrust.  This illness that racked his young body and untrained mind brought with it an instinctive urge of animal survival and he ached to flee this cage; to escape this nightmare.

Summoning what little courage and strength remained in him, he searched the room for anything that might aid him.  There was little in the way of ornaments or objects of daily living save the most basic and without pockets, he instead took a gulp of his drink and made for the doorway.  Pressing his ear against the door and without a keyhole to spy through, he braced himself to open it and greet whatever lay beyond.

The metal door moved slowly against all his weight; creaking lightly until he was able to peer through with an extended neck.  Before him lay a great hall with what appeared to be many bare stone beds lining the walls; some thirty or so and at the far end there seemed to be another door.  The smell of formaldehyde and old blood clung at his nose.  On several of these stone slabs lay motionless humanoid forms and between each was a table with several metal tools.  He saw big metal pots at the foot of each slab and some sort of drainage from the slab into it.

Suddenly he saw a robed figure on the far end of the room working on one of the dormant figures, applying tools to its body and removing flesh.  From the distance between them the boy was unsure what he was doing but he immediately perceived a threat and moved quickly to shrink his profile; creeping to the nearest slab.

On the table beside it he saw many pronged, hooked, sharp and serrated tools, knives and picks; some with stains of old blood on their bone handles.  They almost looked like tools one might find in a kitchen except they were larger and much more foreign and fear-inspiring.  His stomach churned and he struggled with a paralyzing fear, beginning to shake and sharply suck air in and out; his eyes wide and darting.  He thought for a moment the other figure in the room was coming closer and he hid further behind the slab before waiting to hear of his movements.  Gathering his thoughts and stealing himself against the threat, he slipped a hand up the side of the table and carefully gripped a tool.  He held it close to his chest and perceived its alien use to be some sort of digging or prying device; a small pick perhaps.

His breathing slowed and as he held his weapon, a mad grin flashed over his pale face.  He had never before felt so weak and this angered him; taunted him.  Cursing quietly to himself, he broke his fear and began to creep from slab to slab towards the far end of the room and an exit; an escape.

What had they planned for him?  Were they going to work on him like the other figures in the room?  Would they have drained him of his blood and gutted him, examining his organs as though part of a grim experiment?  His mind reeled and his anger grew, carrying him towards the hunched silent figure.  As he neared closer and closer his movements became ever slower and more deliberate, wanting desperately to avert the mans attention.  Hoping that his back would remain turned, he spied from the shadows what sickening procedure this robed man was performing.  He appeared to be reaching into the chest cavity of a corpse, carefully cutting and removing individual organs before weighing them on a set of scales and holding them up to a series of lenses; examining their surface anatomy before further slicing them apart.

Some he had already placed into jars filled with a clear fluid and labelled; thoughtfully making notes in a journal each step of the way.  Oltice crouched there, bracing himself against a slab as he wavered with weakness and disgust.  The thought of sneaking up behind this vile creature and slipping his pointy tool between its ribs crossed his mind but he had not the energy nor resolve to follow it through.  Stepping off to creep past him though he knocked the nearby table of tools; rattling it a little while slipping behind the slab.

The man swung around and in a brief moment of terror, Oltice held his breath and closed his eyes; gripping his pick hard.

“Gah, damn rats.  Always scaring poor Hharga!”

The next breath to come out of the boys lips was so slow he almost suffocated.  Sweat beaded on his forehead and he flushed with heat, almost collapsing under the weight of his dread.  Several minutes passed in silence and in fears that quelled, joints that stiffened and breathing that slowed back to normal.  He tried not to gulp nor even lick his lips though the orifice was so dry he almost contemplated sneaking back to his room and towards the cool fluid in the jug.

The urgent need to press on bore down on him and he resolved again to move along, this time with even greater care.  His next move would be successful and he made it to the next slab, then the next and then the next; picking up his determination.  The door was now beyond a short threshold and if he picked his timing right, he could make it to the next room.  He waited for the robed figure to turn his attention back to the corpse before picking himself up and slinking towards the door; the smell of some freedom beginning to overpower the terrible stench of the hall.

He made it through the door without incident and as he did, he suddenly became aware of his heart pounding in his chest; so loud he thought that the man must surely have just heard it also.  Stepping into a long hallway he turned back and instead of hearing footfall come towards him, he heard the same frail voice exclaim,

“Ah! The incense! The-the door! Oltice!”

He must have seen the small chamber door ajar at the far end of the morgue; a small steady stream of incense smoke leaking forth.  The boy gasped and took flight down the hallway upon weak and stiffened legs; legs that had not known much use in the last week.


Want more?  Didn’t finish it due to boredom? Comment below!



Snuff, or How I Found it and What I Did to it When I Found it

Come with me now on a journey through time and space

Everyone likes a bit of a history lesson and until recently, I was largely unaware of snuffs.

So some natives in South America in the 15th century were observed using it by the Spaniards, who brought it back to Europe with them where it quickly spread.  Most notable users were the French, Dutch and Spanish nobility as it became an expensive commodity; often distinguishing those of higher class from others who preferred to intake tobacco via smoking.  Snuff boxes became highly decorated, expensive accessories of the aristocratic elite and communal snuff boxes became common place; including the U.S. Congress and British House of Commons.  Nowadays, antique and ornately decorated snuff boxes sell for hundreds of dollars.

During the Great Plague of London 1665-1666 it was believed that snuff contained antiseptic properties and throughout much of it’s historical use it was seen to have positive medical effects on those who regularly used it.  Nowadays we know this to be false, including some early claims that snuff use predisposes one to nasal cancer.

Snuff use slowly declined as smoking became more common however with recent laws banning smoking, snuff use is beginning to make a comeback.

The love affair begins..

1894 Kinetoscope of Fred Ott taking a snuff and then sneezing, taken by Thomas Edison’s laboratory. Source: Wikipedia Commons

I was first introduced to snuff by my salesman at the Great Wall dealership, would you believe.  During a chat in the yard I rolled up a smoke and he pulled out a small tin of snuff and inhaled then and there, which fascinated me greatly.  He too used snus in compliment and when I finalised the deal and picked up the car, he gave me a couple of sample tins from his extensive collection; White Elephant by 41 Photo and Gingerbread snuff by De Kralingse.

I already had various tins on order from and along with snus, began my journey to break free of smoking.  It turns out that my dealer friend (of a car and now snuff!) gave me one of the driest, finest and strongest snuffs there is.  White Elephant is extremely fine and when I first started using it, my eyes watered like mad while my nose burnt terribly! After watching a couple of YouTube clips on the method of insufflation, I learnt pretty quickly that one does not need to ‘snort’ it as if doing a line of drugs, one instead ‘smells’ it; taking it gently into the front part of the nose.  If it hits the sinuses or the back of the throat, that is when the great discomfort occurs.  I also found that using the coarser Gingerbread snuff, though not as harsh on the nose seemed to cause me to sneeze more often though this is often considered a sign of a newbie snuffer.

anatomical snuff box

The most common method I’ll use for a bit of a bump, is to just take a pinch between thumb and forefinger before bringing it up to the nose and slowly releasing; smelling it as you do.  That way I know exactly how much I’ve got and it tends to be a bit more pleasant when warmed up with the fingers.  For a stronger hit I’ll use a tiny spoon and dish some out onto the back of my hand in the anatomical snuff box (pictured) and bring it to my nose, inhaling lightly.  I also have a small jar with a tiny spoon attached to the lid, which is easy enough to scoop a little out for a small bump.  I also have a little glass bullet which isn’t too bad to use however it can be hard to get a consistent flow of snuff out of the device; though they are handy to use whilst driving.

But just how much nicotine satisfaction does it deliver? Well, I would equate one big pinch or a small heap on the back of the hand (pictured right) as equivalent to about one 12mg cigarette.  It really hits the spot and although I tend not to get the rush from snuff as you would with say, the first smoke of the day; combined with snus (especially loose or a double white portion) it does the job nicely thanks.

A kind notice from the Customs and Border Protection department informing me my shipment was inspected but not seized.  I did not have to pay duty either.

A kind notice from the Customs and Border Protection department informing me my shipment was inspected but not seized. I did not have to pay duty either.

Snuff is extremely cheap nowadays compared to cigarettes/tobacco due to the wonders of online international retail as anything other than smoking tobacco isn’t available at the local shops.  This is probably a good thing because if it were it would be taxed to the hilt and become too expensive.  In Australia, a cheap pack of 30 cigarettes currently cost about $25 and a 50g packet of rolling tobacco is about $35.  Outdated health policies have kept smokeless tobacco products like snus, snuff, dipping tobacco and e-cigarettes out of shops as the Australian government doesn’t believe in ‘harm reduction’ techniques associated with such methods of nicotine intake; instead classing all forms as an addictive, harmful substance.  Some have called for a review of this public health policy.

Luckily, they don’t stop you from importing small quantities for personal use but from what I’ve read they will generally try to get you to pay duty on it if it exceeds more than say, 5 tins of snus.  If you’re unlucky enough to have it inspected, you may still be lucky to have it let through without having to pay more for it (pictured left)

Link: – Smokeless tobacco and harm reduction

Health impacts

Many studies have found that snuff (and swedish snus) have a very tenuous link to cancer, unlike smoking and american dipping tobacco which contain higher amounts of the carcinogen nitrosamine.  Nicotine itself is of course highly addictive and habit-forming and depending on how it is taken into the body, has been linked with pancreatic cancer, mouth and tongue cancer, oesophageal and gastric cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular disease; though no study that I’ve seen with snus and snuff can unquestionably confirm or deny this link.  Leave comments below with evidence if you disagree, please.

Nitrosamines can also be found in tobacco smoke, American dip snuff, Chewing Tobacco, and to a much lesser degree, snus. (127.9 PPM for American dip snuff compared to 2.8 PPM in Swedish snuff or snus.)[6]
Source: Wikipedia “Nitrosamine”

I’m not sure if this lingering cough of mine is due to a protracted minor chest infection, a smokers cough or the fact that I’ve now been cigarette free for over a week and my lungs are simply clearing out.  I have noticed however that whenever I briefly use the e-cig, the lung butter becomes a bit thicker and chunkier; most likely due to the carrier medium of propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin which deposits itself in my airways.  The Therapeutic Goods Association of Australia is currently undertaking a study into e-cigarettes that may inevitably lead to their legalisation and taxation.

Perhaps the most annoying immediate side effect of snuff usage is the continually blocked sinuses. As I’ve continued to use it, I find that it has created an inordinate amount of boogers which I am constantly cleaning out.  I’ve resorted to using a saline nasal spray (with occasional use of an Oxymetazoline spray for comfortably breathing in bed at night).  As it effects my ability to properly intake snuff, I am striking a balance between using snus as a means of giving my nose a break.  There are also available several so-called ‘medicated’ snuffs which include aromatic mint and camphor similar to a Vicks inhaler that seem to open up the nasal passages, though these are a temporary measure at best.  I’ve found that an initial morning bump of medicated snuff followed by a bump of traditional snuff seems to help with this issue.

tobacco comes in many varieties of coarseness, flavour and smell

As my snuff collection grew to what it is at the time of this writing, I find I have a penchant for the finer, stronger and drier varieties.  I will do a thorough write-up and review of some of the various snuffs and snus I own and have tried for those who are looking at starting out, complete with links to their product pages but for now a brief description follows of a few snus and snuff.

In the photo above it is divided with snus on the left and snuff on the right with various tools for each along the bottom.


I particularly like the small white, dry portions (pre-bagged) which have a hint of mint or eucalyptus and find that situating one on either side of the upper gum is great.  Most brands of this type are more or less the same  They’re not particularly strong (thus double loading) but aren’t nearly as messy as other moist or strong varieties in the way of disgusting spit production.  For a stronger morning or evening hit, I go for the loose snus using a pris master tool, which creates a small compacted prila or portion of tobacco to sit under the lip.  They tend to get messy with bits of tobacco floating around the mouth after about 20 minutes and lose strength at which point I spit it out and wash the mouth out with water.

One particular brand is the Africaine Platinum by Makla, which has the consistency of coarse clay and packs quite a nicotine punch.  Definitely not one to use too often or in too big a prila and when it starts to break down, it feels like mud.  Another mainstay is the Extreme Loose by Oden’s, quite a bit more pleasant in the tobacco flavour and presence in the mouth as it tends not to break down so easily.  Using loose snus however requires a bit of practice to get the density, shape and placement right but it makes for an authentic, pleasurable snus experience!

I’ve tried a few of the saltier moist and stark (strong) portions and alot of them contain salt to increase the pH and therefore the bioavailability of the nicotine, however this tends to generate quite a bit of spit which you definitely don’t want to swallow.  By carrying a small kids drink bottle with a flip lid in my pocket (and the full length label left on to hide the contents), I can pull it out and release a mouth full of spit discretely.  It’s not ideal and I’m self-conscious of doing it around other people but this is fine for driving, at home or when I’m not around a lot of people at work.


Give it to me fine, dry and unscented.  But to mix it up a bit I quite like the Elmo’s Reserve and Apricot Snuff by Samuel Gawith, SP No. 1 by J & H Wilson and Original and Genuine by McChrystals.  When I get around to it (if I get around to it), I’ll do up some more detailed reviews.

Dip (moist snuff)

Copenhagen Fine Moist Snuff aka 'Dip'

Copenhagen Fine Moist Snuff aka ‘Dip’

American dipping tobacco (also known as moist snuff) is fermented tobacco rather than pasteurised like snus and is commonly placed under the lower lip, rather than under the upper lip.  Due to the treatment process it undergoes during production, it has been linked to a greater n

umber of health problems like tongue and mouth cancer and for this reason alone I have tended to stay away from it.  Just for reference though, I bought a can of Original Fine Cut Snuff by Copenhagen (pictured right) to try out and it reaffirmed to me why I’ve never really taken to this form of smokeless tobacco.  Although it packs a nice nicotine punch and initially didn’t taste too bad, on subsequent uses I’ve found it to taste a bit like ashtray.. and I’m not sure why.  Asides from looking like a hick fuck with a big lump sticking out from your lower lip, the amount of spit it generated was ridiculous and if I were out on the street or at work constantly spitting, I would feel like a common degenerate.  I’ll hang onto it and may occasionally use it at home but that’s the extent of it.

Nasal snuff seems to me to still retain an air of refinement (no pun intended) alongside snus.

So I hope.. somehow found this article useful.  If you’re considering using e-cigarettes, snus, snuff or dip your experiences may vary and I’d love to hear about it in the comments below.  For a smoker like me who isn’t necessarily to give up on nicotine entirely, I’m really confident that I’ve found a solution in smokeless.  If you’re looking to do the same, I wish you all the best of luck.


Update, 10 Nov 2013 – I started a Facebook group aimed at furthering discussion, join up and share your thoughts and experiences!
Facebook: Snuff, Snus and Dip Users

