It’s been far too long since I done any sort of writing. It scares me. I fear that I’m losing it; losing the ability, the vocabulary. That...

“Each person has at least one book in them,” ..but in my case it may be two or three. I started my literary journey some time into the middle...

Come with me now on a journey through time and space Everyone likes a bit of a history lesson and until recently, I was largely unaware of snuffs. So some...

The Great Chinese Car Revolution With some trepidation, I recently bought myself an SUV from a brand that many people have so far turned up their snobbish...

tl;dr: scroll down to the dot points for a quick pros and cons! I’ve been a smoker for about 16 years and by now, I’m utterly fed up with it. ...

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging! Why hello there, WordPress. It looks clean, uncluttered (yet)...